Rockjob is a common term used in the early 1990s both for High school students and even Primary school students in Australia where the person called a Rockjob is identified as an;

1) idiot,
2) got embarrassed,
3) or usually if in an argument have made an ass of themselves
john: what the hell is algebra!?

*john attends school wearing his pink sneakers*
everyone: OMFG! POOF

everyone: at least our mum doesnt resemble a gorilla!
*everyone laughs at john*
by Casmira July 13, 2005
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v. to give or receive manual stimulation, specifically while standing or laying on a rock or pebble driveway. Handjob on a pebble driveway.
We went out side the shore house so that broad could give me a rockjob.
by Pete Rowley August 18, 2006
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