(V.) To perform any act recklessly or without preparation. A semantic broadening of the original sense of unprotected intercourse based on connotations of risk. In response to interrogatives, it is often preceded by exclamation "nah", a vocative such as "man"/"dude" and elision "Imma".
"Are you studying for Macy's test?"
"Nah, man. Imma raw dog it."
"I considered purchasing the per diem rental car insurance, but opted instead to raw dog it."
"Nah, man. Imma raw dog it."
"I considered purchasing the per diem rental car insurance, but opted instead to raw dog it."
by RhoticityChicken February 9, 2022
(a) To go into an exam, quiz, or test without studying enough (or at all) beforehand
(b) Similar to the more well-known definition (sexual intercourse without the use of a condom) in that you have no protection, the consequences may be severe, and no matter what happens, you're still getting screwed.
(b) Similar to the more well-known definition (sexual intercourse without the use of a condom) in that you have no protection, the consequences may be severe, and no matter what happens, you're still getting screwed.
"I shouldn't have gone out last night! I passed out before I could finish studying and had to raw dog my history exam."
by TheAngriestBird February 23, 2012
by Stuntin alone May 5, 2015
by rawdogpeanutbuttercrackers March 22, 2018
by big johnny July 9, 2002
having sex with no condom
by keith chambers November 10, 2007
by Bradley J. September 18, 2005