A wiki run by people who, for some reason, are unable to express their political stance in a direct way. It's also a snarky wiki where the only article that contains absolutely no snark is Socialism.
A: I think it speaks volumes about your ideological beliefs when you gather people to write thousands of pages of tongue-in-cheek material on nearly every ideology ever known except one. That's what RationalWiki does.
B: No, that's just being rational, and you are being irrational for saying that.
by uncaimed2 January 30, 2018
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A alleged rationalist and scientific website focused on fight "pseudoscience" that nowadays is mostly a website that promotes militant atheism, atheist fanaticism, atheist extremism and neopositivism, very liberal centrist views about the world pretending to be objective views of the world, massive fallacy forging out of completely non-fallacious arguments, categorizing things "pseudoscientific" that are not pseudoscientific at all, things that do not even pretend to be scientific at all and things that they disagree/dislike or do not believe in, supports that conspiracy theories cannot happen despite the number of conspiracy theories that turned out to be true, blocking and banning everyone who post anything that goes against atheism, neopositivism, and liberalism-centrism regardless how trustful are your sources and links, and a website that doesn't allow criticism of atheism nor criticism of science and deemed both of them as being "pseudoscientific", "antiscience" and "science denial" when they aren't. It is a website to be avoided, and no one should use this website for anything, nor even as source for anything.
RationalWiki is more for IrrationalWiki, and RationalWiki is the ultimate proof that rationality and irrationality are relative and subjective, because it is possible to realize that after seeing how the average RationalWiki users are in practice.
by Dumugian January 12, 2022
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Once a well respected website that now is filled with atheist extremists, atheist zealots, liberals, moderate leftists who are centrists in denial, enlightenment centrists, centrist extremists, horseshoe theory supporters, neopositivists, scientificists and people who call everything that is not "scientific" nor "materialist" nor "positivist" as "pseudoscience", "antiscience" and "science denial". Attacking all sides and believing everyone is wrong and only their Wiki is right.
RationalWiki is basically Quora in form of a Wiki.
by Dumugian November 25, 2021
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A wiki that triggers conservatives and theists.
Dude 1: How can we come from monkies if there are still monkies?

Dude 2: Here's the RationalWiki page.

by MethinksItMightBeAWeasel February 8, 2017
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A website dedicated to debunking misinformation and spreading a liberal version of politics which amuses conservatives because we find it HILARIOUS that liberals got so pissed off by junk such as Conservapedia so as to start their own version of it.(yes, yes, i know that it was conservapedia editors who started RationalWiki, but you get the point.)

Their information on pseudoscience and conspiracy theories is usually excellent, and they're fully willing to call something (such as homeopathy or other alt-med) out as bullshit without getting caught up in trying to be all "encyclopedic" like Wikipedia does.

However, their information on politics is VERY left-leaning. They use ad-hominems and strawmen to misrepresent and degrade anybody even SLIGHLTLY right-of-center, which is funny because they have fine articles about such logical fallacies. They have a tendency to conflate two unrelated things (ex: NoFap and neo-Nazis) so as to make fun of/ mock one of the things in question (NoFap in this circumstance). While a better name would be leftyWiki (remove all the sensible stuff from the wiki in this case), they do have the sense to criticize communism and socialism.

What's funny is how they continually call Donald Trump an anti-semite, despite the fact that his daughter is a Jew (and so is his son-in-law and grandkids), and that he's had the most pro-Israel administration in decades. (Their other criticism about his idiocy at times is on point.)
Stonetoss : *makes amusing comic about how no-fap gives you crazy powers*
RationalWiki : gotEEM!!! he's totally parroting supposed Neo-Nazi stances about how not fapping is a white man's thing (self control and shit). this means he's a NAZI!
by StarkGaryen April 7, 2021
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A wiki biased towards facts that was created in response to Conservapedia editors being blocked for correcting falsehoods, which is what Conservapedia is, a right wing falsehood wiki made in response to the non-existent liberal bias of Wikipedia. RationalWiki is often hated on by bigots, who don’t know that there aren’t people who cause trouble, aside from vandals. RationalWiki is aimed at debunking things like salt woo, food woo, or other types of woo.
RationalWiki is known for editors from Conservapedia who quit in response to the Conservapedia falsehoods.
by Qorptocx March 22, 2019
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A website that makes Wikipedia seem very unbiased and reasonable.
Teacher: "Never use RationalWiki."
Student: "But Wikipedia is OK, right?"
Teacher: "Yes."
by CharlesNicholson September 20, 2022
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