Office: Don't let George ratfuck my files while I am gone next week.
Military: Who ratfucked the MREs?
Military: Who ratfucked the MREs?
by Whorton August 29, 2003
The act of rummaging through a packaged meal (MRE's, Lunchables, Lunch packed by your mother) and separating the so called "Goodies" such as candy bars, Doritoes, or other tasty edibles that will soon be eaten from the disgusting entrées like sandwiches, spongey meat-like patties (which are found in MRE's), or carrot sticks to be discarded or saved for later consumption. Term created by the United State's Recon Marines
Kid #1: What the hell are you doing with your lunch?!
Kid#2: Ratfucking, dude...
Kid#1: The fuck does that mean?!?!
Kid#2: Ratfucking- (this is where he states the long-ass definition written above)
Kid#1: Well played...
Kid#2: Ratfucking, dude...
Kid#1: The fuck does that mean?!?!
Kid#2: Ratfucking- (this is where he states the long-ass definition written above)
Kid#1: Well played...
by Eric Dumstrahl January 8, 2009
The insane, narcissistic, outrageous asshat who ratfucked his way into the Whitehouse with Russian hacking, slanderous lies from FBI director James Comey, and the archaic, undemocratic, and fucked Electoral College. Ratfucker is now working tirelessly (minus weekly vacations to Florida) to finish dismantling american society, enact authoritarian rule, destroy the environment, and destabilized global relations. You’ve been ratfucked.
Ratfucker stays up long into the night composing insane and nonsensical tweets for the braindead lemmings who support him to read and praise.
by FedupAngryLiberal March 18, 2017
Politics: Formerly known as "the double-cross," it refers to infiltration and sabotage of the opposition party, particuarly during (but not limited to) an election campaign. The second half of "All the President's Men" describes ratfucking done to 1972 Democratic presidential candidates by employees of the Committee to Re-Elect Nixon.
Ken Clawson, Nixon's communications director, confessed to a ratfuck when he told how he forged a letter making it look like a Democratic candidate was a racist.
A typical ratfuck is to falsely claim there's a political rally for the opposition party, order 300 pizzas for delivery in the name of the party, and then nobody shows up.
A typical ratfuck is to falsely claim there's a political rally for the opposition party, order 300 pizzas for delivery in the name of the party, and then nobody shows up.
by Jay Young September 30, 2006
That ratfucker can't stop crying.
by ReelSimShandy March 23, 2017
by CruJones February 6, 2006
by The_Incubator March 31, 2003