An alcoholic shot containing equal parts of ..
1 oz. PATRON
Served chilled in a rocks glass.
Bra, I got so messed up last night playing 7, 14, 21. I lost like 5 times in a row and had to take a rats nest shot each time.
by TruffleButterINSmalltownMN August 31, 2015
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The most bottom in the world they will always claim they are a top or a switch but in reality they are a sad bottom.
"Casey you really are a moist rat."
by Pridedspartan99 February 25, 2021
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An example of when a crippled is mean to you you can say “ stfu crippled rat.”
Man: “you’re so gay!”
Jack: “Shut up you crippled rat you wish you could move but you can’t!”

- Caleb Ross
by ZigaNinjaAntYT April 29, 2020
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Simular to the phrase "I dont give a rats ass" but for use in enviroments with under 3's. If you want to say "I dont give a rats ass" but happen to be in the crèche you can alternatively use "I dont give a rats left foot".

This phrase is also good around people that would willingly class themselves as snowflakes, assholes or English language Nazi's.
I dont give a rats left foot about all the times the process works, I only care about times the process does not work.
by UrbanUsers February 10, 2022
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yo how is rat bike??

they is good!
by theyratbike April 19, 2020
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Person 1: Do you know Sir Pickle Rat?

Person 2: Yes, they are a cool broski
Person 1: Yes
by SirRotisserieChicken March 4, 2021
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