
To shamelessly self-promote a movie, redirecting any conversation towards the topic of the movie.
What is my favorite food? That would be steak, which reminds me of a scene in my upcoming movie, Rampart...
by baba_o'smiley February 25, 2012
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To have sex and never call that person again, especially if she's a high school girl
Woody ramparted Roseanne after our prom party
by captn.p February 10, 2012
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A person who steals all the credit for anything anyone does. And also steals yo wife. Or girlfriend, or any lady covered in chocolate.
He pulled a rampart on TurtleDoh. It was inappropriate but she was covered in chocolate. Ramparts type.
by TurtleDoh January 29, 2021
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To have sex with the lack of a callback.
1.) Dude, I heard Woody Harrelson totally ramparted this girl at prom last night.
2.) Dude, I totally ramparted Rowan last night.
by Nivek Trubb February 10, 2012
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To have sex with someone, and then never speak to them again.
Did you hear about that chick Woody Harrelson ramparted?
by lahwran February 10, 2012
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Having sexual relations with someone and never talking to them afterwards.
"Woody took my virginity on prom night and never called me again!"

"Wow, what a Rampart..."
by AnUglyUmbrella February 10, 2012
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The act of refusing to speak about anything other than Woody Harrelson's role in the movie Rampart.
Woody Harrelson pulled a Rampart on a Reddit AMA.
by Genghis12 March 8, 2012
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