
A defensive fortification made of an earthen embankment, often topped by a low protective wall.

To protect or fortify somebody or something with ramparts or something similar.
by Jafje April 10, 2007
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1. To have sex with somebody without a callback.
Man, Woody totally ramparted that high school chick. I bet she thought he was gonna marry her.
by Drchickenbeer February 10, 2012
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Having sex with someone, then never talking to them again.

To Rampart (Verb)
Ramparted (Past Tense)
Bob: Did you Rampart Cindy?
John: Yeah, I'll never see her again after that.
by jimwhat February 10, 2012
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Having sex with somebody and never talking to them again.
"#1: How was your date with Felicity?"
"#2: We had sex and she never called me back."
"#1: Did she rampart you?"
"#2: I guess so..."
by ManTrA February 10, 2012
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To rampart: To have sex with a girl, specifically a virgin, and never call her again.
"yo, I heard Woody Harrelson ramparted that girl at a party in LA."
by nostrildamus February 21, 2012
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1.) Defensive fortification. i.e. Pillbox/Bunker

2.) (1990) Video Arcade game, consisting of medeival strategy.

3.) Counter-Strike:Source Player
1.) The rampart was destroyed by a powerful bomb.

2.) "Where were you last night?!"
"Psh. Chill man, I was down at the arcade bustin out on some Rampart"

3.) Rampart rocks your world.
by Rampart July 30, 2006
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The act of having sex with someone and failing to continue communication after the act.
"Oh, man...Woody totally ramparted some chick at my school this weekend!"

"I want to have sex with you, but I'm afraid you'll rampart me."
by sensibleredditor February 10, 2012
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