Doesn't care if we download import tunes, but no one likes import songs :(
by dj gs68 July 15, 2003
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The RIAA (I don't need to tell you what it stands for) used to be helpful. They decided what the speed for the vinals should be, and that was important. Now, however, they sue people for stealing songs from them. I spent more money on music now that I got a few songs from P2P. I baught a few ramones CDs that I enjoy thanks to P2P. The RIAA stops opportunities like these by sueing people, (mostly uploaders) for thousands of dollars mercilesly. I read from an excellent source that the RIAA sued a 12 year old girl for about 15k. I honestly doubt the RIAA gave the artist that had their music "stolen" the 15 grand. THAT's stealing.

All in all, I'd define the RIAA as efficient robbers.
The RIAA sued a preteen. I hope they enjoyed the fat cigars they baught with that money.
by PunkorNot April 25, 2005
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Simply, a fucked up organisation. Those litigious bastards don't give musicians a single cent for each copy of their CDs sold, and with MP3s becoming a more and more popular format each day, now they're even suing the musicians for posting their own sodding MP3s on the net, just for the sake of making money by the billions and billions. Seriously, how fucked up is that? Piracy and MP3 actually help musicians get recognised, and as I'm a musician I should know this. But, as usual, the RIAA doesn't give a shit.
The RIAA is just another corporate-whore making puppets out of politians. Now that the lawsuit cases and policies made their popularity plunge down, I guess they've worked hard enough just to shoot themselves in the foot. LOL
by tritium July 16, 2004
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a gay ass corporation that is ruining the use of music. the riaa seems to think that music is a material object and that all p2p networks are like theifs.
this one time i was playing a song i wrote at a live concert, and the riaa still shut it down
by Endless War2 February 14, 2007
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Ruthless Impotent Anal Adventurers. To exude greed, worthlessness, and cum from your mouth.
At the company picnic the RIAA executive's wives resembled the music video for the song, "Who Let the Dogs Out." Oops don't sue me for typing your copyrighted song title... wait thats plain ridiculous, getting RIAA'd plain sucks.
by The L-Train January 26, 2004
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n. terrorist organization aiming to prostitute the art form known as music at the expense of hapless musicians. likes charging $22.95 for a CD that costs $0.03 to manufacture and dragging 14 year olds and grandmothers to court and refusing to legitimize sale of mp3s over the internet. see also asshole, terrorist, mpaa, et al.
"dammit, my unborn kid and my 101 year old uncle who died last week both got sued by the riaa... again."
by themarcuscreature February 12, 2005
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A bunch of cynical smart guys who were found the way to make money by giving bullshit to maroons from government and agonizing labels, misrepresenting reality and getting their own benefits from it.
You can't fight illegal downloading by punishing. Person, who downloads music will never buy CD. Others will learn on mistakes of every busted by RIAA victim and will download with care. Every busted technology will be replaced by new one, more sophisticated and safe for it's users. Customer makes a choice, and this choice is not always in favor of free stuff. Customer sets price for the music, not label.
by brahmaputr October 5, 2007
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