This organization represents the artists, right? WRONG! We don't get a cent from our works thanks to the RIAA, and the only way we can get by is to stage concerts, which is a risk because that sometimes costs us more than what we can afford. Supposedly the RIAA is trying to protect other peoples' works from being "pirated", but in reality, the RIAA destroys 1/3 of the music CDs not sold, counts that as "Lost Sales", and rewrites it to "Lost Sales caused by Piracy". If anything, piracy actually HELPS us a lot because more people listen to our music and decide whether it's worth keeping or not. The RIAA just keeps on resisting changes in technology, and has even gone to the point of suing the poor, the children, and the college students, all who make up a large percentage of its customers.
I encourage everyone to share and trade music because that's the best way folks like me can ever be known beyond our towns.
by frustrated musician May 21, 2003
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Record Industry Assholes of America.
Rich Idiots Abusing Artists.
Really Irritating Anal Aneurisms
Raping Independent Artists Anally
Record Industry Always Antagonizes

The record industry's re-enactment of George Orwell's "1984". The evil entity that controls 90% of all music in America, and a rapidly-growing percentage of music worldwide. The oppressor of real musicians, and those who are tired of paying ridiculous prices for 1-good-song/14-shitty-songs CDs. Thanks to the RIAA, musicians can't profit from their works until 75+ years after they are dead.
Fuck the RIAA! I can't even post my own goddamn MP3s on my website without them trying to sue my ass off!
by AYB February 10, 2003
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Rich irragant ASsholes who have no life but to fuck up everyone elses by makin p2p illegal. click on my start if you think that RIAA are gay!
by PdAwG October 26, 2003
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Guess what, guys and gals. The RIAA KNEW that optical disks (CDs/DVDs) have an average life span of less than 20 years, yet they STILL pushed for the DMCA. Now they are aggressively trying to destroy p2p/peer-to-peer and the MP3 audio format because they DON't want people to know, for their profits are at stake.
I bought a CD in 1988 and now it doesn't play properly because the plastic layers are basically rotten. Now I can't even try to download replacements of te songs I had on that CD without being sued by the RIAA.

I've been assraped by the RIAA again!!!! They told me that the CD would be a permanent replacement to the cassette, the 8 track, and the vinyl.
by music fan May 6, 2004
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The reason why the quality of music is going down the toilet. The organization that kills off any chance of innovation and originality in the music world by enforcing ITs own standards as to what IT thinks music is supposed to be, and charging ridiculous prices just to play your music.
Forget the RIAA. The Internet is a more reliable way to get your music heard.
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Recording Industry Association of America. An archaic, unnecessary conglomerate that uses bullying tatics to scare people into thinking that they (the RIAA) have a right to exist and to be respected.
Fuck the RIAA!
by Elohim August 21, 2003
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A fucked up menace to humanity that sues people just for whistling the "Happy Birthday" song while allowing Puff Daddy to make millions of dollars from ripping off other people's songs.
Some representatives of the RIAA ruined my birthday party by arresting my relatives and taking away my karaoke radio.
by Mad Cat MechWarrior February 20, 2003
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