When you are way to exited about someone that your anal muscle are doing a micro-contraction aka "quivering". A state of arousal usually followed by a moan, or sexually-induced exhale.
by Flippi_12 November 30, 2022
by Lazarus Ciccone April 23, 2004
a collection of surfboards of differant lengths and thicknesses so that the surfer in question can surf any type of wave with ease.
by Anonymous April 27, 2003
by Drodisi Vinra April 6, 2015
by A. Drone March 14, 2003
by flirtyberry feelmore March 23, 2009
A term used by skiers to refer to the collection of different skis that you own, allowing you to choose the best ones for the snow conditions. If you own a quiver of skis, you're probably a more serious and dedicated skier than if you own just one pair.
"My quiver includes Rossi carvers for the groomers and Atomic fatties for the powder, and I'm thinking of adding some all-mountain skis for those in-between days."
by segacs October 21, 2011