The noise gas makes as it passes through your intestinal tract on it's way to your anus. Prefarts are most common after eating Mexican cuisine, brocolli, trail mix or cheap beer. Prefarts are oftentimes noisier than the actual fart they will eventually mature into, however unlike a fart --which you can soften the sound of by discreetly seperating your butt cheeks-- there is no way to manipulate your body to soften the deafening noise of the prefart. Most people will try to pass it off as their stomach growling, but since the sound emanates from a decidely lower point on your torso, no one is fooled and you would be better off to point at the dog or an old person nearby.
Must've been a Pre-fart....Stop pointing at my dog.
by Catnymph July 21, 2010
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When you fart and it feels so good and now your depressed because you want it back.
Son, take your pills for your pre-fart depression
by DaddyoShrek June 13, 2017
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A pre shit fart, is the last bit of gas left over, which takes over the remaining space between your rectum , your poop and the air. It is the worst smelling fart ever, smells like you have shit your sefl, without actually shitting yourself. It is your last and final warning to get your butt to the toilet!
I have been busting ass all the way home, but this last one was a real pre shit fart.

It is the last amount before you are actually praire dogging. A preshit fart is allowing your company to actally smell the authenticity of what your shit would smell like if they were hagging out in the bathroom with you. Mostly, smells like a trucker shit.

Angel just threw a pre-shit fart and then dashed to the bathroom.....almost missing the bowl
by Fartologist December 22, 2013
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noun - The initial rectal air blast prior to taking a shit. Most commonly used as "PPF".
(While taking shits in the locker room)
Rick: "Hey Sid, what was that menacing sound?"
Sid: "Oh it was just my Pre-Poop Fart, I ate WoW chips before practice."
by Zanghai October 28, 2007
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That fart that is so god-awful and carries a signature smell that you know you're going to have diarrhea soon.
I was sitting at the table in the restroom and let out a pre-diarrhea fart. It smelled so bad everyone around me starting gagging. I then proceeded toward the restroom as soon as possible.
by Kiete January 30, 2012
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