by MCLCLCNCJCOC123 January 29, 2017
by FDippits April 29, 2008
by Iam not Elmer Fudd December 26, 2019
Has many meanings. As in having a cigarette...or as in feeling tough...or to be a whale like a fat ass...or being a beast or just cool... its pretty much whatever you want it to be
Boys lets go have a portly....Boys are you ready to get portly portly tonight? Woah that dude is short and portly! Im feeling pretty portly today boys.
by Portly Portly September 25, 2009
by John Bontke December 6, 2003
by Captain HooksIt February 13, 2011
Meaning a thick boned girl. A female that is thick, thus looking like the port side of a ship. Not to be mistaken with Porky.
by pPprpre e April 18, 2018