Fun and cheeky female with intense sex appeal. Extremely funny to talk with as she is full of jokes.
by Tinkabelle October 4, 2018
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To sexually interact with all bitches, hoes, skanks, sluts,girls,moms,dads, boys, friends, who ever.

to extremely fuck a bitch

after being paulenated, it is likely to have a signature stamp of paulenated across your forehead, in some chase wheel chairs are brought into the situation
Sabrina: omg i cant believe he just paulenated my pussy so hard. I cant even walk..
by The great Paulenator August 20, 2011
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A fat guy who was nita boyfriend but now he is broken. he is like mathmatic. He always laugh in class.
Paulen laugh in the class.
Paulen always say "ហ"
by Blazx demon December 4, 2019
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