2 definitions by The great Paulenator

The bitchest kid in school. that sucks everyones dick, both literally and metaphorically.
walter: Hey what's up guys, you're the chillest kids i know!
walter:Ok later guys im gunna go smoke some pot.
Matt:jesus christ, that walter bitch is sucha faggot slut.
joe: i know, i think he wants to blow our cocks..
by The great Paulenator August 20, 2011
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To sexually interact with all bitches, hoes, skanks, sluts,girls,moms,dads, boys, friends, who ever.

to extremely fuck a bitch

after being paulenated, it is likely to have a signature stamp of paulenated across your forehead, in some chase wheel chairs are brought into the situation
Sabrina: omg i cant believe he just paulenated my pussy so hard. I cant even walk..
by The great Paulenator August 20, 2011
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