4 definitions by Blazx demon

The most jealous people in the freaking world !!! Daughter of a math teacher and he taught her to be the most jealous people
Chhenglin got the Guinness world record at jealous in people -.-
by Blazx demon December 6, 2019
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A fat guy who was nita boyfriend but now he is broken. he is like mathmatic. He always laugh in class.
Paulen laugh in the class.
Paulen always say "ហ"
by Blazx demon December 4, 2019
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It's mean sex . I having sex.
Me:I joy girl.
Mean: I have sex with girl.
by Blazx demon December 4, 2019
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A boy who wear glasses and have white skin. He doesn't like to play soccer. he is study in mathematics class.
Kimpor always say heryy.
by Blazx demon December 6, 2019
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