A Part of a Verb.
Can exist as
-future tenses
They are verbs in sub-ordinate clauses containing a governing verb.
Can exist as
-future tenses
They are verbs in sub-ordinate clauses containing a governing verb.
She says that she will take (Participle) the dog to the vet.
The Governing verb is "to say" the participle is "to take"
The Governing verb is "to say" the participle is "to take"
by poh-2805 July 11, 2008
by muzzy101 October 17, 2022
by Bleepbloopblorpblip February 15, 2012
Verb form that is becoming increaslingly uncommon, esp. in the vernacular of white trash.
In the following examples, the ones marked 'correct' illustrate the required use of the past participle for the phrase. The examples marked 'incorrect' illustrate the phrase with use of the simple past tense, which is incorrect in the phrase.
In the following examples, the ones marked 'correct' illustrate the required use of the past participle for the phrase. The examples marked 'incorrect' illustrate the phrase with use of the simple past tense, which is incorrect in the phrase.
Correct: That car is broken down.
Incorrect: That car is broke down
Correct: That couch is all torn up.
Incorrect: That couch is all tore up.
Correct: I am so hungry because I haven't eaten all day.
Incorrect: I am so hungry because I haven't ate all day.
Correct: Have you gone to the store yet dear?
Incorrect: Have you went to the store yet dear.
Incorrect: That car is broke down
Correct: That couch is all torn up.
Incorrect: That couch is all tore up.
Correct: I am so hungry because I haven't eaten all day.
Incorrect: I am so hungry because I haven't ate all day.
Correct: Have you gone to the store yet dear?
Incorrect: Have you went to the store yet dear.
by Wimpster February 2, 2005
A dangling participle is a wallet chain, cell phone headset cord, beeper leash, purse strap or other long slender device used to secure an object to a person.
A dangling participle is the "straps" that have the tendency to always get caught on another object when you least expect it to, often resulting in a humurous but humiliating yank in the opposite direction of travel (i.e.: getting out of a car, getting up from a desk, etc.).
by S.J. Friedman October 11, 2005