
The Paladin is a class of Warrior that is fully devoted to kindness and ridding the Universe of Evil. They are very religious, and have an extremely strict honor code, as well as a soft spot for children and animals. In combat, a Paladin with a cause is almost impossible to defeat.
Paladins fear nothing, for Evil fears them.
by Detranova August 6, 2003
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A Paladin is a character class created for OD&D the Original Dungeons & Dragons. All paladins must be Lawful (Lawful Good). All other alignments are only applied to paladins in inferior versions of D&D(Dungeons & Dragons) and other cheap inferior ripoffs of D&D(Dungeons & Dragons). Properly played Paladins are never Lawful Stupid - that only results from having a bad DM and bad players.

Playing a Paladin correctly in the real spirit of the game is something to which all roleplayers should aspire.
When you think of a Paladin, think of sweet combination of Batman and Superman in regard to character.
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Any of the Twelve Peers of Charlemagne's Court, of whom the Count Palatine was the chief; Knight errant; Champion.
See above
by Taz June 2, 2004
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I'm a little paladin short and stout
Here is my hammer here is my mount
When trouble comes I scream and shout
Then I bubble and hearthstone out.
by xdpirate January 5, 2009
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A "holy knight"-type character in a roleplaying game, most notably Dungeons & Dragons and World of Warcraft. Usually has healing and damaging magic.

Must be lawful good in D&D.

In WoW, was originally only available to the Alliance; this changed with the release of the Burning Crusade.

Named for Charlemagne's inner circle of knights.
A blood elf paladin against a draenei, that's epic!
by Qit el-Remel December 28, 2007
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One of nine playable classes in the game World of Warcraft. Currently, Paladins are specific to the Alliance, and can only be either Dwarves or Humans. In short time, however, Paladins will also be playable by the Horde, as Blood Elves.

Paladins are often thought of as easy-mode players because of the Paladin class ability to wear the heaviest class of armor, wield a large variety of weapons, and have the ability to heal themselves in combat. They are sometimes likened to adolescent/immature players, or mentally handicapped. The underlying irony of those insults is that they are made by other players of the same game, and they are no more intelligent or mature than any other player of said game.

Truth be told, Paladins are no more viable than any other class in World of Warcraft. Every class has the choice to specialize in three different aspects of their abilities, and the Paladins are no exception. They can choose to be exceptional healers, psudo-tanks, or powerful damage dealers. The misconception is that they can perform all three roles simultaneously, which is simply not true.

The Paladin class can be a very entertaining class to play at all stages of its development, be it during the levelling process, PvP, or PvE content. They posess a rich variety of spells and abilities that not only make them exceptionally survivable, but a true blessing to any group.
"Unlike you, I choose to play my Paladin the way it was meant to play, as a versatile support class capable of multiple roles."

"Have you bubble-hearthed yet?"

by Lillithu October 11, 2006
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An incredible hero who, though he has a code of honor is not celibate.

In fact he is generally ridiculously good at pleasing woman and knows how to take care of them. That's why ladies dig Paladins - they can rescue them from danger and provide incredible sex.
Paladins rescue fair maidens then get sweet sweet rewards.
by palyhumper February 17, 2010
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