21 definitions by Qit el-Remel

1) A talbuk, which is an epic mount available in World Of Warcraft.

2) A fandumb nickname for draenei, coined by people who are confused about their origin and think anything with horns and hooves is a goat.
"Why do people call draenei spacegoats, anyway?"
"Because they're from space, and they have horns and hooves."
"If they're from space, so are orcs. And...anything with horns and hooves is a goat? I'll be sure to tell your friends who play tauren that."
"Don't you dare!"
by Qit el-Remel June 2, 2009
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1) A fantasy creature with no single definition. Usually large, ugly and nasty...except when it's small, cute, and friendly. Often lives under bridges.

2) An ugly little plastic doll with big hair.

3) One of the five Horde races in World of Warcraft. Tall, leggy, and blue, with three-fingered hands and two-toed feet; also has tusks and a Caribbean accent.

4) (verb) To go fishing.

5) (verb) To act as an example of the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory; derived from definition 4, on the theory that the person is "fishing" for attention. This can also be a noun, meaning someone who does just that.
1) According to TVTropes, all trolls are different.

2) My aunt collects troll dolls.

3) My troll shadow priest will melt your face!

4) They're out trolling the river.

5) Oh, great, someone is trolling the forums again. Where did all of these trolls come from, anyway?
by Qit el-Remel May 9, 2009
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Someone who plays World of Warcraft hunters like a complete fucktard.
That huntard got me killed three times in SFK!
by Qit el-Remel November 16, 2007
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1) People or groups that work together.
2) One of the two factions (the other being the Horde) in World of Warcraft. Consists of humans, three slightly original takes on classic fantasy races, and one genuinely original race. Alliance players are neither inherently less mature nor inherently less likely to gank. Commonly misjudged as the "good" faction.
1) Is there supposed to be an alliance between these nations in this story?
2) Don't believe anyone who claims that only kids play Alliance.
by Qit el-Remel December 27, 2007
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1) Rampaging barbarians.
2) One of the two factions (the other being the Alliance) in World of Warcraft. Consists of three interesting tribal races, some annoyingly twee elves, and some creepy ghouls. Horde players are neither inherently more mature nor inherently more likely to gank. Commonly misjudged as the "evil" faction.
1) Watch out for the rampaging hordes of middle-schoolers.
2) No, the Horde are not "the bad guys." RTFM.
by Qit el-Remel December 27, 2007
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A "holy knight"-type character in a roleplaying game, most notably Dungeons & Dragons and World of Warcraft. Usually has healing and damaging magic.

Must be lawful good in D&D.

In WoW, was originally only available to the Alliance; this changed with the release of the Burning Crusade.

Named for Charlemagne's inner circle of knights.
A blood elf paladin against a draenei shaman...now, that's epic!
by Qit el-Remel December 28, 2007
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One of the biggest teases in World of Warcraft, at least as far as low-level Horde is concerned: A beautiful white dire wolf that can't be tamed by hunters and appears to be unusually tough. To be killed on sight by anyone passing through Mulgore, because he does drop a quest item and is really useless for anything else.
If I can't have Ghost Howl for my hunter alt's pet, I will have his pelt for a cape! (Spoken by a druid who later died twice before killing the mutt.)
by Qit el-Remel December 27, 2007
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