As in 'Pacman' famous computer game character who was nothing more than a yellow circle with a slice cut out of it. Didn't rap at all therefore was never shot. But seemingly was addicted to some form of chemical drug, which gave him the feeling of being superior and seeing ghosts.
Dude! Look over there! That's Pac, man!
by Pixel January 14, 2005
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Political Action Committee

A PAC is a group dedicated to a certain political cause/party.
by Lewd February 28, 2005
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to herb someone up , to bitch them up, to make them your bitch, for a woman to make her man look like a bitch in front of her friends,straight g just like 2 PAC would do
yo u see the way Sophia told that nigga to get her cupcakes from the store it was mad late at night and he just ran and did. Hell ya Rob got straight pac ed
by beanzzzzzz August 30, 2010
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Periodic Ass Check. A word that all girls should know. It is when you causally ask your friend, sister, or mom to check the back of your pants to make sure you didn't bleed through while you're on or in case you got your period. Calling it PAC makes asking this more subtle, and easier to find out if this happened.
Girl: Yo can you PAC me when I stand up?
Friend: You're good / go to the bathroom I'm behind you go go go
Girl: Thanks/ Oh shit
by periodacheck June 12, 2014
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Refers to the Pan-Africanist Congress which was created in the 50's for South Africans that did not agree with the ANC or African National Congress on Apartheid issues. Although PAC is still alive today it is referred to as the Pan Africanist Congress of Zambia and there isn't such a great following for it anymore.
It seems like Mugabe of Zimbabwe would be someone that would have supported the PAC.
by Phillip Foster June 13, 2008
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Abbreviation for Performing Arts Center, a pretentious euphemism for an auditorium. Used mainly by elitist administrators who know little or nothing about the intricate workings of any type of performing arts.
Administrator: And here, we have the PAC, our main facility for, uh... Performing arts.
Citizen: Oh, and what production is the department currently working on?
Administrator: Production? Um... Oh, and over here we have the commons area.
Citizen: It's a CAFETERIA, you pretentious bastard!
by bmwoody October 25, 2005
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