Pic for pic- when you are so desperate for nudes you will send them too, usually used by underage kids who are especially horny after watching their daily dose of porn.
by Iguessthisisiit January 14, 2018
"Party and Play"
Often (incorrectly) defined as:
"Term seems to originate from Craigslist and/or other personal ads where the poster of the ad is in search of someone to Party (Do drugs. Usually Crystal Meth.) and Play, P&P (Engage in sex acts or intercourse.) with, just for the day/night. This term seems to be most prevalent among homosexual men."
However, the true origin of P and P describes the act of combining Meth with other substances.
Most who use methamphetamine regularly don’t often combine the drug with other substances. However, there are a few terms that describe some of the more common combinations that some create to enhance methamphetamine use and abuse.
Biker Coffee – Coffee and methamphetamine
Croak, Shabu – Cocaine and methamphetamine
Hugs and Kisses, P and P, Party and Play – MDMA and methamphetamine
Often (incorrectly) defined as:
"Term seems to originate from Craigslist and/or other personal ads where the poster of the ad is in search of someone to Party (Do drugs. Usually Crystal Meth.) and Play, P&P (Engage in sex acts or intercourse.) with, just for the day/night. This term seems to be most prevalent among homosexual men."
However, the true origin of P and P describes the act of combining Meth with other substances.
Most who use methamphetamine regularly don’t often combine the drug with other substances. However, there are a few terms that describe some of the more common combinations that some create to enhance methamphetamine use and abuse.
Biker Coffee – Coffee and methamphetamine
Croak, Shabu – Cocaine and methamphetamine
Hugs and Kisses, P and P, Party and Play – MDMA and methamphetamine
Looking for partner to come P and P until the sun comes up twice. You host, I'll provide the P and P
by Urban_Suburban January 3, 2013
by tobaby121 August 18, 2010
by SlopNChop September 24, 2016
(pee-en-PEE) verb. abbreviation for party and play as relating to homosexual men engaging in sexual acts while high on methamphatimine (see p and p and crystal dick)
Tod: "Hey Tim. What are you doing this weekend?"
Tim: "I was invited to Tad's."
Tod: "Oh, that's right! Ted told me he got a teener.
Tim: "Yeah! Now I'll get laid."
Tod: "So, you guys are gonna p n' p huh?"
Tim: "I hope so."
Tim: "I was invited to Tad's."
Tod: "Oh, that's right! Ted told me he got a teener.
Tim: "Yeah! Now I'll get laid."
Tod: "So, you guys are gonna p n' p huh?"
Tim: "I hope so."
by Nedd Ludd September 30, 2005
Pen & paper, slang for tabletop roleplaying. The term originates from the use of pen and paper while roleplaying.
Carl: Dude, you want to p n' p tomorrow?
Ivan: Yeah, Dungeons & Dragons?
Carl: Yeah, I am going to be a hot elf.
Ivan: That's cool, I'm gonna be a dragon.
Carl: Neat!
Ivan: Yeah, Dungeons & Dragons?
Carl: Yeah, I am going to be a hot elf.
Ivan: That's cool, I'm gonna be a dragon.
Carl: Neat!
by UGC March 21, 2007