
1. Female Booty.
2. The derriere or Bottocks with personality of the female species.
Usually applied to females who no matter which way you approach them dazzle you with their booty FIRST cos' it has its own seperate personality!
1. Beyonce has Nyash
2. Jo Lo has Nyash
3. Paris Hilton.....doesn't

"Dat Nyash was clapping all night when I hooked up with Candy"
by Big Brown Bob May 4, 2006
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When the butt exceeds the largness of normal butts
Bro 1: Leans nyash is fat
Bro 2:I know right
by EternalDemon879 October 9, 2022
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To describe some one who was a lot of batty.
“Wow that somali boy has a bit nyash!”
by tztherealist September 26, 2020
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Omg you’re nyash is so hairy girl
You need to pluck you’re Nyash
by superfurryanimalsfan July 15, 2022
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person 1: she’s got nyash styl
person 2: don’t die for nyash🤦🏾 ♂️
by uk bants👩🏾‍🏭. July 18, 2022
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your so nyash
by chi101 September 26, 2021
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Nyash Warrior

a nyash warrior is a person, man or woman, on a journey to grant himself the biggest, baddest nyash in all the world. he will go high and low for the best nyash he can find, not faltering for the meady nyashes in between. he is truly a respectable, yet atrociously down bad man. if u see a nyash warrior, always wish him luck on his nyash journey
Geoffrey: did u know that John's a Nyash Warrior??? hes acc a madman yk
Adonis: stfu John's hunt for nyash is a respectable and valiant effort.
by bomboclaaticus May 2, 2022
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