used to describe an bit rate even worse than 144p
(Inspired by the 2017 classic song by Gary Brolsma)
(Inspired by the 2017 classic song by Gary Brolsma)
by Raylaxen May 18, 2023
something that is said in response to an idea that is utterly despicable, stupid, boring, retarded, or gross.
Tim: hey fred, would you be interested in coming to my barmitzvah on saturday at 3:00 PM?
fred: i'd rather bone the numa numa guy
jack hoff: BRO ISN'T MY GF FINE?
moe lester: i'd rather bone the numa numa guy
fred: i'd rather bone the numa numa guy
jack hoff: BRO ISN'T MY GF FINE?
moe lester: i'd rather bone the numa numa guy
by truthness August 12, 2008
this virus started in 2006, but it can still effect people now, numa numa is the worst virus ever, but it made some moldovan guys rich soo- good for them that some dumb dude made a video of him dancing to the song :D
dan balan: damn, people really like the song we made! wow even the americans are listening to it!
arsenie: some fat kid made a video about it dan, we are famous because we are memes!
radu: we´re rich atleast
arsenie: we started this virus dumby-
dan balan: numa numa yei numa numa numa yei chipul-
radu: shut up.
arsenie: some fat kid made a video about it dan, we are famous because we are memes!
radu: we´re rich atleast
arsenie: we started this virus dumby-
dan balan: numa numa yei numa numa numa yei chipul-
radu: shut up.
by scenekid102 November 18, 2022
used to describe an bit rate even worse than 144p
(Inspired by 2017 classic, numa numa by Gary Brolsma)
(Inspired by 2017 classic, numa numa by Gary Brolsma)
by Raylaxen May 18, 2023