To make significant; to cause to become relevant or prominent. Pronounced as either sig-NIF-ih-kyz or sig-NIF-ih-size.
by G. Thomas December 16, 2006
by yungmetre July 9, 2019
by twostepbobby June 14, 2019
by Benny Boooo January 31, 2008
Joe: dude, you ready to go again?
John: Oh-muh-gawd... you just blew my mind!
Joe: Dude, you are very significant right now!
John: Oh-muh-gawd... you just blew my mind!
Joe: Dude, you are very significant right now!
by Tru fuckin gangstas August 13, 2008
yungsaphars makes me wet, significances
by yungmetre July 9, 2019
by twostepbobby June 14, 2019