
To make significant; to cause to become relevant or prominent. Pronounced as either sig-NIF-ih-kyz or sig-NIF-ih-size.
Winning an Oscar significized Marisa Tomei's career. Or, at least it should have...
by G. Thomas December 16, 2006
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someone who talks to a few people with these names

* Antonio
I like yungsaphars, call me significances
by yungmetre July 9, 2019
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The need or desire for a blowjob because you matter and are loved.
I gave you a back rub Jen and now I would like to feel significant .
by twostepbobby June 14, 2019
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another word for significant.a very powerful word!!!
Rachael and Margaret have a very high significancy level.

Koariee is strait up significancy.
by Benny Boooo January 31, 2008
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When one reaches absolute "Nirvana" from the use of Marijuana or other assorted drugs.
Joe: dude, you ready to go again?

John: Oh-muh-gawd... you just blew my mind!

Joe: Dude, you are very significant right now!
by Tru fuckin gangstas August 13, 2008
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Sig is named Shona, normally i hope. And she has v big b0bs and v nice astronaut.
yungsaphars makes me wet, significances
by yungmetre July 9, 2019
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The need or desire for a blowjob because you matter and are loved.
I gave you a back rub Jen and now I would like to feel significant .
by twostepbobby June 14, 2019
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