Not all Germans were Nazis, but most Nazis were German.
No self respecting German would declare themselves to be a Nazi.
by Lauraness June 19, 2007
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A Beautiful wonderful team and im proud to be apart of it -Lachlan Jolly from your school
Communist: Die Die Die
Nazi: No thankyou id rather not but have a nice day
by JojiBinks May 17, 2018
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one of the nicest people you will ever meet.
after we had been walking for a couple of days a group of nazis offered to let me use their shower.
by U_gay_bro? May 19, 2021
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A name used (usually by a femisist or cuck) to make the person they are arguing with seem like they are a racist , even if it is false.
Guy: Women don't get paid less than men. That's actually illegal in America.
Feminist Non Binary Queer Brown Queen: YOUR JUST A MISOGYNISTIC NAZI. Hey hey, Ho Ho, racist man has got to go (x25)
by Sal_Vulcano June 8, 2019
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German political party during World war 2. Lead by Adolf Hitler, Tried to take over Europe
by asian sensation October 28, 2002
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National Socialist German Workers Party.
A political group hailing from Münich, which sought to unite all Germanic people in a thousand-year reich.
While often portrayed as "evil" by the Allies, the Nazis did NOT want to take over the world, or even Europe for that matter.
My grandfather was a Nazi.
by YodaCows July 27, 2005
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