Master of the sex postion Tobbagan and has a huge dick ranging from about 14-14.5 inches from first glance.
by imnotme January 21, 2010
by Gangshitland September 26, 2017
by alwayscorrectman October 5, 2009
The origin of the noun sense (“dope fiend, druggie”) is unknown, but could refer to a person who is under the influence of drugs to the extent that he or she is careless about personal hygiene and unkempt. Compare the verb nit (“to be a nitty”).
Yoooooo that homeless guy looks like a bitty cuse he got drugs in his hand
Bitch do you see that nitty begging for toilet paper on my lawn woooooah
Bitch do you see that nitty begging for toilet paper on my lawn woooooah
by MAHMOOD THE MIDGET July 25, 2019
A word used to describe someone who looks like a tramp or a chav. Also used to describe a undesirable/bad area. Commonly used in the UK by 11-25 year olds.
by The Dank Meme March 30, 2018
Some one worse than a tramp/hobo, looks like one too, lower than low!, they're snakey (2faced, even towards there mates, if they have any!) and kats for drugs (crets/will do anything to get hold of some, they need it as much as they need oxygen.)
nitty - can you tick me some weed i swear on my mums life i will pay you back tomorrow!?!?!
Dealer - no you said that last time and the time before that, and still no money from you!, christ how many mums do you have!?
nitty steals valubules from his friends and sells it to buy drugs!
nitty smells bad and looks a mess, hasn't had a bath since, well they've never heard of it!!
nitty shakes where they cret for drugs so much and cant stop moving.
nitty - can you tick me some weed i swear on my mums life i will pay you back tomorrow!?!?!
Dealer - no you said that last time and the time before that, and still no money from you!, christ how many mums do you have!?
nitty steals valubules from his friends and sells it to buy drugs!
nitty smells bad and looks a mess, hasn't had a bath since, well they've never heard of it!!
nitty shakes where they cret for drugs so much and cant stop moving.
by shakka lakka real time! March 17, 2010
by TheBigFlexer February 11, 2019