A gathering of many black people at a cookout or something that’s on black level cool.
This party is a niggelation.
by The niggelator October 7, 2020
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Person 1: Hey bro? Wanna go niggeling tonight?
person 2: Sure! I love tickling black people at night. What could possibly be better?
by Yentroc December 8, 2010
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The circular object on the end of a guitar string.
Clip off the Niggel and wind up the string in the tuning peg.
by Neanderthal340868 April 18, 2022
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That man gonna have no more money. I gonna niggelate him.
by vhtrxrfr214 November 25, 2019
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Chuck Norrisworst and only fear.
Check your closet for niggels tonight.
by One_Thicc_Nut February 8, 2018
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A really racist black pig
Those pigs are some real niggels because they are always so racist
by Ur gay lol ninja fortnite June 24, 2019
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