by Jt and keke December 28, 2018
A frat-like trashy group of man-children that finds comfort in excessive drinking and constant stupidity.
The group you’d want to invite for your bachelor’s party but not the wedding.
The founders are based in Switzerland.
The group you’d want to invite for your bachelor’s party but not the wedding.
The founders are based in Switzerland.
Jesus man you completely trashed your place, you must have invited NG$.
NYE is gonna be so lit NG$ are coming
NYE is gonna be so lit NG$ are coming
by ngszer January 25, 2022
An abbreviation for No Good that was made popular by the anime Super Milk Chan. Especially one entire episode called "NG" wich acts as a blooper reel and we are shown outtakes or "NG" takes of scenes that where used many times in the series.
It also is not meant to gramerticaly correct. IE in the quote below the woman says "Absouletly NG", now, in english saying "Absouletly No Good" in the context of refusing a proposition would be incorrect. Thus, we can assume, that its not meant to be taken literal.
It also is not meant to gramerticaly correct. IE in the quote below the woman says "Absouletly NG", now, in english saying "Absouletly No Good" in the context of refusing a proposition would be incorrect. Thus, we can assume, that its not meant to be taken literal.
by Lupin Saiko August 20, 2006
by Bob DNGS December 1, 2006
NGS (Noun) stands for "Not Giving a Shit." This phenomenon usually occurs among the crew of a workplace when the upper management treats the employees who actually work like shit. By making the working employees do all the work and constantly riding their asses. Whilst the lazy fucks who kiss ass do nothing all day or hardly any work at all and still get paid and undisturbed while at work. Most people of the working class usually experience phenomenon those who actually work I mean.
Characters: Anthony, Joey, Robby, Karl and the Boss
Anthony: "Yo Joey what's up?" *he proceeds to do his job sometimes talking to his friend*
Joey: Not much Ant, been playing PS3 and coming here. Hey since we'll have our work done early today want to come over?
Anthony: Sure thing man.
*these two proceed to do their work as they converse*
Robby: *standing around doing very little work as he speaks with his buddy Karl about politics and religion in the workplace* So I was thinking. Those oranges they're not going to win the election.
Karl: *also doing very little work* Nah I think our party will win since they follow the "lord" and all. You know how our religion is always right.
*these two continue to talk about possibly offensive subjects while in the work place hardly doing any work*
*The boss comes by Anthony and Joey as they work and converse*
The Boss: ANTHONY! YOU'RE DOING YOUR JOB WRONG!! You have to do it this way!!
Anthony: Boss, I thought this was the right way since I've been doing it this way since you taught me when you hired me..
The Boss: I see the problem here.. You're talking on the job and not concentrating on your work! Get your job done then head up to break afterwards get with me you won't be going home early today.. *the boss walks away after pissing off two of his Employees and then gets to Robby and Karl*
The Boss: Hey guys whats up? I see you guys are doing good you'll be done in a couple of hours I can see here.
*Robby and Karl have hardly done any work the boss doesn't seem to care. As they sat there and spoke doing nothing. These two get away with it because they kiss the asshole bosses ass. As the boss is talking with the lazy ones Anthony turns to Joey and speaks.*
Anthony: Yo Joey, I'm developing a really bad case of NGS.
Joey: What's that?
Anthony: Not Giving a Shit.
Anthony: "Yo Joey what's up?" *he proceeds to do his job sometimes talking to his friend*
Joey: Not much Ant, been playing PS3 and coming here. Hey since we'll have our work done early today want to come over?
Anthony: Sure thing man.
*these two proceed to do their work as they converse*
Robby: *standing around doing very little work as he speaks with his buddy Karl about politics and religion in the workplace* So I was thinking. Those oranges they're not going to win the election.
Karl: *also doing very little work* Nah I think our party will win since they follow the "lord" and all. You know how our religion is always right.
*these two continue to talk about possibly offensive subjects while in the work place hardly doing any work*
*The boss comes by Anthony and Joey as they work and converse*
The Boss: ANTHONY! YOU'RE DOING YOUR JOB WRONG!! You have to do it this way!!
Anthony: Boss, I thought this was the right way since I've been doing it this way since you taught me when you hired me..
The Boss: I see the problem here.. You're talking on the job and not concentrating on your work! Get your job done then head up to break afterwards get with me you won't be going home early today.. *the boss walks away after pissing off two of his Employees and then gets to Robby and Karl*
The Boss: Hey guys whats up? I see you guys are doing good you'll be done in a couple of hours I can see here.
*Robby and Karl have hardly done any work the boss doesn't seem to care. As they sat there and spoke doing nothing. These two get away with it because they kiss the asshole bosses ass. As the boss is talking with the lazy ones Anthony turns to Joey and speaks.*
Anthony: Yo Joey, I'm developing a really bad case of NGS.
Joey: What's that?
Anthony: Not Giving a Shit.
by Vidorin July 11, 2008
new game
used in D2 when leveling.
After clearing an area for exp a newgame is created to use the same area for leveling.
used in D2 when leveling.
After clearing an area for exp a newgame is created to use the same area for leveling.
deleted-: ng?
tsaiguy: ng, baal003
tsaiguy: ng, baal003
by Megumi December 6, 2004