
in a typical adventuring team, the person who socializes and talks information out of the rumor mill.
negotiator: well, I was kissing my way down his thigh when he mentioned...
by Spaz De Kat December 8, 2009
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to discuss something formally in order to make an agreement.
I'm negotiating over the price.
she always negotiate over the price,

Hey "Did you buy the car ? "
Not yet, We are negotiating on the price
by Ala M December 16, 2014
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(Noun) 1. In the automotive trade, a metal breaker bar used to increase leverage on a stubborn fastener.

2. A length of heavy duty 2" ID steel piping used for dealing with, or "negotiating", difficult situations or people.
"Damn that crank bolt is on tight, better use the negotiator on it"

"If that noob doesn't give me my money I'll have to introduce him to the negotiator"
by Ynngwie J Malmsteen April 25, 2008
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Used to define fledgling relationships; a yuppie-ized substitute for the antiquated notion of "dating"
- "So is he your boyfriend or what?"
- "Nah, we're still in negotiations."
by woundedgazelle July 14, 2005
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Shrewd negotiator

The definition of what Ed Bolian does for a living. Basically just lowballing exotic cars and flipping them later.
“I talked to her and offered $30k for the Lambo but, she wanted $75k. She was an shrewd negotiator so we met right in the middle at $30k.” - Ed Bolian, The Professional Shrewd Negotiator
by what122 May 16, 2019
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Hostage Negotiation

Having to use the bathroom in the absolute worst way, but either a) you're constipated or b) you have performance anxiety for whatever reason.
Dude, I was just in stall 3, and I had to do some major Hostage Negotiation in there... I was a little embarrassed, 'cause Lenny the VP was in the next stall. Although HE had no problem releasing the hostages.
by AluMiNuM77 May 4, 2007
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