Jimmy: Give me your I-pod
Barry: no
Jimmy: fine, I'll just take it
Barry: oh ta noes, they be stealin' my bucket!
by Homie G-dwg November 20, 2009
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suck my bucket

Well my dear, I would suggest you get down on your knees and suck my bucket!
by Dr Bunnygirl July 5, 2019
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Bends my bucket

I spent two days on this painting and my teacher gave me a C! That really bends my bucket.
by bleedbleed March 19, 2019
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Milk in my bucket

Drink cum from ones mans asshole, open another mans asshole, puke in that bucket....
Milk in my bucket
Lucid: *drinks cum from 1 mans asshole*
Lucid: *spreads dracos asshole*
Draco: "puke in my bucket"
by Milk in my bucket February 21, 2019
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To have something that causes joy or happines taken from you
Based off a popular picture of a walrus with a bucket with a caption saying "I has a bucket", then another picture where the bucket is being taken away from it by its keeper with the caption "No they be stealin my bucket".

Also know as a lolrus or lolcat
by strik3 March 7, 2009
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An exclamation used to imply distress at somebody's taking of a personal belonging.
"Dude, that guy just ran off with your wallet!"

"Noooo they be stealin' my bucket!!!!!"
by Matt Munin April 24, 2007
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