The top the one with my heart, my soul, everything in one, my love, i can have another boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife... But your my 1.
by Marla LALA Piña November 20, 2018
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The girl that your always gonna be with and love
Baby your always gonna be my #1.
by Chris11-8 December 31, 2014
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A excellent fortnite player who excels in Nutting in a 1 by 1 wooden base.
"im in the circle, imma nut in my 1 by 1"
by Jiwoo130146 August 22, 2018
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Run my 1’s or count my 1’s means to fight someone
He told me to count my 1’s so I knew we were gonna fight after school
by itssor September 30, 2023
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Dude so I was on my 1 at the club when I hit this girl up.
by Madame Lola April 21, 2016
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