'shut up and go home, you muppet'
by nick August 21, 2003
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A Derogratory term used to describe somone who is too stupid to think for themselves that they must have somone elses hand up thier ass.
"She's very conforming"
"Yea, shes a real muppet."

"You Fking muppet!"

by Deitch May 5, 2009
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a complete idiot who doesnt get it...
it being anything

a.k.a. fool
bob: muppet
peter: oi
bob: clown
peter: fool
bob: rat
by muppet123456789 March 14, 2006
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a person who acts really stupid and/or immature all the time.
"whos the muppet who put my hand in warm water while i was sleeping!"
by alland February 22, 2008
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A loser, a person who cannot function whithout someone elses fist stuck up their ass. Also you see there lips moving but you don't believe the shit that comes out(as it comes from another person).
You are a complete and utter muppet.

I see your lips moving but I dont believe the shit that is coming out, you are such a Muppet

What does that muppet want?
by Jedibob January 27, 2007
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When two young women are "experimenting" with downstairs familiarity.
"Wow, check out those chicks playing Muppets."
by Burt&Curt November 3, 2009
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A person controlled or told what to do (pop stars for example).
Lisa: Dad, what's a muppet?
Homer: Well, it's not quite a mop, and it's not quite a puppet, but MAN! Heh heh heh... So to answer your question, I don't know.
by B-Drac December 9, 2003
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