Mr davis

A literal thiccy with curves curvier than a loop the loop. He’s so fit he could melt through the ground and the equator. He’s also an absolute gamer and either welsh or English but if he’s english he’s a hoe. If he’s welsh he’s the best person meetable.
Wow look that’s mr Davis he’s so fit wow omg I literally just died ouch he’s so fit look at that ass tho damn he is like Kim k but real wow omg wow
by Graeme Hartley November 23, 2019
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Mrs. Davis

Mrs. Davis is the most rudest,terrible teacher in the whole fucking world she’s is a bitch that doesn’t give 3 shits about her student except for the stupid bitch’s favorite student
Ethan “ Mrs. Davis is a fucking bitch
Gianni “ I know right she fucking screamed in my face for eating my lunch!”
by Hate teachers 🙄 November 1, 2019
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Mrs. Davis

1. The health teacher from the movie Varsity Blues that teaches her students about sex during the day, but at night she is a stripper.

2. The name for any teacher that is a part time stripper.
1. "Mrs. Davis! Bouncin' and jigglin' in my face"

2. Damn, I didn't know Mrs. Richards was a Mrs. Davis!! I saw her strippin just last night!!
by prosper44 May 2, 2007
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Mr Davies

An absolute freak that always shouts.
me: What did he just say?
Some Blonde Guy: He has a lisp.
by chandler biNG! October 7, 2018
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Mr davies

a Short white man with an egg for a head
Crackhead of the year award goes to... mr Davies
by SuckMyDick4Ever February 24, 2019
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Mr Davis

Mr davis is a chad. He is the greatest teacher. He acts lonely but actually is not. He is a huge nerd.
Guy 1: yooo its Mr Davis

Guy 2: hes such a chad
by Ultraluigi67 April 7, 2022
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Mr Davies

The ultimate G, this man can be the most chill teacher ever and still give you a hella good education. If you put him in a contest with Arnie, Mr Davies would still be the alpha male by a landslide. just by being in a 10-meter radius of him, you gain +50 IQ points and the ability to spell Czechoslovakia instantly.
Student 1: God this day has been shit
Student 2: We got Mr Davies next
by Have You Heard Of Nord Vpn? November 5, 2020
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