Makes reference to a certain type of appearance in females.
Prime candidates of the "Mousey" classification have innocent facial characteristics. Usually rounded cheeks and chin. Classifiable as "cute as a mouse" yet not restricting the definition to just "cute." "Cute" and "Mousey" are two different things, that sometimes go hand in hand, but have been known to also not.
Mousey can range in attractiveness levels, from substandard to above average, but are all genuinely unique in their own individual regards, and may vary according to tastes of the beholder.
Prime candidates of the "Mousey" classification have innocent facial characteristics. Usually rounded cheeks and chin. Classifiable as "cute as a mouse" yet not restricting the definition to just "cute." "Cute" and "Mousey" are two different things, that sometimes go hand in hand, but have been known to also not.
Mousey can range in attractiveness levels, from substandard to above average, but are all genuinely unique in their own individual regards, and may vary according to tastes of the beholder.
by JDMteggyracemachine January 12, 2010
by - Mouser - March 10, 2005
by cheech April 25, 2003
by Kiefuhhhdowntime August 16, 2011
The feeling of intoxication to the point where you feel yourself lagging like a computer mouse. (Seeing your hand five times when you move it)
by Amanda0311 September 29, 2010
Dude1: Holy shit my computer won't boot up WTF is wrong with it?!
Dude2: You idiot you bolted the motherboard directly to the case!
Dude1: Huh?
Dude1: *dies*
Dude2: You idiot you bolted the motherboard directly to the case!
Dude1: Huh?
Dude1: *dies*
by Anonymous February 16, 2003
Someone who is a technical specialist. A mousey would seep into small areas in a computer and fix the problem.
A mousey has also been known as an urban myth to summon bears at a certain age.
A mousey has also been known as an urban myth to summon bears at a certain age.
Guy 1: Hey my PC is broke!
Guy 2:Don't worry, get a mousey in!
Guy 1: What? Don't they summon bears?
Guy 2: Nah, that's not real, just a myth.
Guy 2:Don't worry, get a mousey in!
Guy 1: What? Don't they summon bears?
Guy 2: Nah, that's not real, just a myth.
by MartynKD December 14, 2005