A toddler or child with a penchant for incessant noise-making. Often paired with the word "blood" when the target is a newborn infant.
"If you don't tell the goddamn blood-moppet to shut the hell up, I'll rent a jackhammer to drill its baby brains halfway to Kansas"
by Chisanth November 11, 2006
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Based into the Official Cambridge Dictionary an attractive young child girl, for the common are lewd preteens. Similiar to a Nymphet, the difference is the age because a Moppet has the age between 4 - 9, while a Nymphet 10 - 17.
What a pretty moppet, you're weird and you look like the nymphet
by Loli Cunny February 20, 2023
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When you fuck someone so hard but end up ejaculated violently on the floor, and, to keep shame from besmirching your dojo, use your partner's hair to mop up the subsequent sticky situation.
I wanted to just fuck and bop it, but I ended up having to buck and moppet instead. Pathetic. I'm going to drink bleach now.
by Thaddeus P. Heizenwalder March 24, 2017
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the act of a rubbish person doing anything rubbishly, or embarassing.

'holy mother of jesus i've only gone and done a shmuel moppet'

'rik waller? shmuel moppet more like!'
'someones done a shmuel moppet' (as the smell of poo poo fills the air)

'have you seen that rubbish olephont costume, the designers a right moppet, its embarassing really, i mean blooming hell its really very crap,
by adinosaur December 15, 2009
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My 5 year old brother - *farts extremely*
My neighbors - Tell that little moppet to shut it!
by X Æ A-12 Musquito May 21, 2020
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