Max: I was with this girl the other day and she only wanted to talk about shoes.
Jake: Ugh she's sounds so mild.
Jake: Ugh she's sounds so mild.
by Rad.s April 26, 2017
(n.) dad i'd like to mom; in other words you would like to get on him; see dilf/milf for futher explination
by lele November 25, 2004
by Abbey and Ty January 24, 2008
Mom I'd Like to Drill. A variation off of the more popular (and now far too commonplace) MILF. Thus, one can use this term and not be worried about said MILD overhearing.
by Hunter January 6, 2005
when someone places a mint in their mouth, and proceeds to suck a penis. named after the the marlboro cigarette.
that bitch gave me a mild yesterday, and although my dick be mad enflamed and shit, it smells like a professional.
by miguelcrush May 8, 2007