1. A former-candidate in the Liberal Party of Canada Leadership race, who lost. He also claimed that Ukraine was not a country. In addition to this, he felt that he could lead Canada, even though he lived in the United States for 25 year prior to being elected to Federal Parliament.
2. This name is synonymous with arrogant, idiot, and queef.
Man, that guy just dissed up the Ukrainians, what a Michael Ignatieff.

Ewww, whats that fishy smell? Must be an Ignatieff.

That guy just flipped off the Pope, what an Ignatieff.
by mcplantusss December 2, 2006
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When you realize someone is the most talented, sexiest, cutest, most caring, most misunderstood man on the planet and your heart is broken because you will never meet him.
I just fell in love with a wonderful man I can never have – I’ve been Michael Jackson’d!
by Moon-beamer November 1, 2012
youtube buddy crackhead crackhead crackhead crackhead crackhead crackhead haha taser go brrrr
"crackhead"=michael reeves
by Cassius=stupid September 21, 2020
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The boy of every girls dreams. He's gorgeous inside and out. You will never find anyone more caring and supportive. He may seem arrogant at first but give him time to unravel and you will understand his beauty inside. Don't bother trying to break his heart it won't work because you don't mean that much to him. Michael is sexyyyy. He is amazing there isn't an inch of his personality you wouldn't like. He is the closest thing to perfection. Also he has a HUGE DICK like trust me ;)
Michael is a name only for the pure legends. If you name Is Michael Jenkins your life has lots of good to come
by Under a rock dino May 3, 2020
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Having the time and money to do whatever one wants to do, and spends both helping poor and sick children around the world, and promoting peace."
"My friend just won the Lottery. He quit his job and went Michael Jacksoning."
by Benjamin63 October 25, 2012
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The actual and legitimate reason most American girls masturbate.
um ok like michael clifford is like damn bby like look at him with pink hair like *-* woah
by Taylah :) July 12, 2014
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The sweetest, awesomest and most caring guy you'll ever meet. He never hesitates to tell you that you're beautiful, or to compliment you in any way. John Michael is always honest, and is the best listener. He has beautiful eyes and the cutest freckles. He's also the most attractive guy ever. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing best friend.
John Michaels make the best boyfriends.
by Habr December 14, 2013
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