The best game ever. Well-recieved for its excellent plot and philosophical/cyberpunk themes such as censorship, memes, the problems with democracy, information control, and the nature of reality.
This time, the player character is Raiden, who wasn't well-recieved by American audiences, but is in fact an excellent character. Besides, he was a trained killer at age 6. Isn't that badass enough?
This time, the player character is Raiden, who wasn't well-recieved by American audiences, but is in fact an excellent character. Besides, he was a trained killer at age 6. Isn't that badass enough?
by Smithkakarot July 26, 2007
by a bigger retard June 10, 2004
Amazing game but has the most confusing plot known to man. Not to mention the fact that you only play as the Badass hero with a mullet, Solid Snake for only an 8th of the game, the rest of the game you play ass the girly boy bitch Raiden for the restr of the game.
I couldn't sleep for days after I beat Metal Gear Solid 2 because I was trying to figure the plot out. To this day I still don't understand it.
by Solid Snake March 16, 2004
Probably the 2nd best game on PS2, the 1st being MGS3. Raiden? Suck it the fuck up. I don't like his queer ass either but besides that, outstanding game.
by adrian December 26, 2005
One of the weaker Metal Gear Solid main titles, along with Metal Gear Solid 5. The plot is an incomprehensible and nonsensical mess and it has some pretty bland level design for most of the game. The best parts of an otherwise forgettable entry were the Tanker and Arsenal Gear segments that comprise 30% of the game. Those were peak Metal Gear Solid experiences. Otherwise, it’s just a bland rehash of Metal Gear Solid.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022