12 definitions by Snideguy3093

An often overrated Final Fantasy title. An impressive game for it’s time, it didn’t age particularly well. It features a nonsensical, disjointed plot full of silly contrivances galore and it doesn’t really take off until about Lake Macalania. After that, it begins to get interesting and intense. It has too many villains, all of which aren’t particularly good and features some pretty horrendous English voice acting and localization that hurt the experience quite a bit. It’s better than 12 and 13 but is a decidedly average, low frills Final Fantasy overall and felt lacking compared to the PS1 games. It had a horrendous gimmicky sequel that undermined the poignant, emotional ending it had.
Final Fantasy 10 was average. A good beginners title but has nothing on 7-9.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022
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A shoddy, trashy Mad Max/Day Of The Dead 1985 rip off that is the sequel to Resident Evil Apocalypse. Makes that movie look like a masterpiece. Full of bland environments, bad CGI, stilted acting and badly shot action scenes with practically 0 horror or suspense.
I’d rather have those CGI zombie crows peck my eyes out before watching Resident Evil Extinction again.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022
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One of the weaker Metal Gear Solid main titles, along with Metal Gear Solid 5. The plot is an incomprehensible and nonsensical mess and it has some pretty bland level design for most of the game. The best parts of an otherwise forgettable entry were the Tanker and Arsenal Gear segments that comprise 30% of the game. Those were peak Metal Gear Solid experiences. Otherwise, it’s just a bland rehash of Metal Gear Solid.
Metal Gear Solid 2 was pretty average. Thankfully, Snake Eater came out afterward.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022
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The worst movie in a movie series full of turds. The movie is poorly shot, boring and extremely pointless as it ends on a cliffhanger. Just a woeful movie in general and another disgrace to the Resident Evil franchise.
Resident Evil The Final Chapter was so, so bad.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022
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Aka the worst Final Fantasy game ever made. Featuring a weak, incomprehensible plot, hammy voice acting, cliche anime tropes and repetitive gameplay. Also paved the way for 2 completely worthless sequels of diminishing returns. The games were so terrible, it almost rendered the Final Fantasy series obsolete. Thankfully, 14 and 15 got things back on track although not immediately.
The discs of Final Fantasy 13 would make better coasters.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022
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One of the worst Bond movies. Technically not as poor as Quantum Of Solace and SPECTRE, it’s still pretty rough. The only good parts were the Jamaica and Cuba scenes. Everything else was mediocre at best with an extremely insulting ending that’s a slap in the face for any true Bond fan. It was also too long at nearly 3 hours and had a really lame villain with an incomprehensible plot. It was The Dark Knight Rises of the Daniel Craig Bond movies.
No Time To Die was an utter disappointment and a lackluster ending to the Daniel Craig Bond movie series.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022
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One of the worst James Bond movies ever made. Not as bad as Quantum Of Solace but not far off. The plot is very weak and it brings back Blofeld in a very insulting way, ripped off from the brothers twist of Goldmember. The producers should be ashamed at how they allowed things to go down the drain again after they got things back on track after Skyfall.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022
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