
A little working class city that is South of Atlanta.
McDonough is experiencing a lot of growth.
by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker November 23, 2020
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Dude I hate McDonough, she is the worst
by ShinTheMin June 5, 2019
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The fastest growning town in GA duh!! It is the place to move too. Our Town Square has been redone and is now actually square. Before it was kinda round...And we have Shane's Rib Shack...It kicks all other BBQ venders asses.
1: You know...McDonough, GA
2: Ohhh yea!! The place with the place with awesome BBQ...Lets go!!
by crzygall July 11, 2008
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Term used for compulsive and attention seeking liars. They are usually overweight, have no friends due to horrible reputations and personalities, and smell like body odor masked by cheap Victoria Secret perfumes. They are also known to over dye their hair to the point of brittleness and death.
She smells like old seafood in a dirty diaper. That girl is so McDonough.

Does she even have any friends that actually like her? Nah dog. She's McDonough.
by Godislove June 25, 2010
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Riley McDonough

1.A very hawt bassist/vocalist
2.John Mayer's bro
3.Someone with great hair
Evertime I type in awesome on my iphone, it auto corrects to Riley McDonough
by mysterioushorseman December 31, 2011
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Riley McDonough

Riley is in the most amazing band ever, Before You Exit.
He's definitely a cutey and his voice is the most supercalifragilisticexpealidocious thing you will ever hear in your life!
Person 1: Hey I found this Script Mashup on by a band called Before You Exit, go look it up. The dark haired singer is the hottest guy you will ever see, his voice makes angels jealous!

Person 2: No way! I've heard of them, Riley McDonough is hoooooottttt! (Connor McDonough is okay ;)
by yeahyouknowho March 31, 2011
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mrs. mcdonough

The spawner of Satan. A true devil of a person. The kind of lady to rape you with math questions. A HUGE BITCH.
Man, that person is such a mrs. mcdonough!
by kachigamr420 January 11, 2018
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