When the most loyal, sweet, amazing person was born and whoever is lucky enough to have a friendship or a relationship with someone born in March 17.
and 1 more definition March 17th is a place we’re people get drunk and dance.
by Wholesum October 17, 2019
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A homies birthday instead of a holiday
Bro it’s March 17 and it’s my birthday give a homie love no-homo
by Big juicynut445 October 17, 2019
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The day when the Pisces are born meaning that anyone born in that day worries about others feelings more than themselves. Most Pisces also have anxiety.
You were born on March 17
by Snitchn1n3 October 17, 2019
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On March 17 you will have to start clapping from 11:00 am-11:01 am
by Hahsjsjs December 8, 2019
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You now act like u be stupiddddd at school just to see ur teachers reaction...
Me: Hey guess what Mr Gio it's MARCH 17
Him: dear lord help me
by short_child_who_dances November 1, 2019
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the day when your crush has to say yes to your question. doesn’t matter what question it is :)
go out with me?
no tf
it’s march 17

ahh fu*k
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It’s March 17th so I have to annoy my best friend or sibling
by Mlcg1 March 16, 2022
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