by Achelexus May 11, 2014
A loose collection of websites, blogs, media, etc. that centers on men's frustrations with the modern world, usually rooted in hatred of feminism and women in general. You may find self-proclaimed "nice guys" who think women won't have sex with them because modern women are too superficial; or pickup artists who see sex as a game, played to the ends of asserting their own masculinity; or even ethno-nationalists who think that multiculturalism is a tool to emasculate men. It's a real cornucopia of toxicity
Brad has been talking an awful lot recently about how he thinks modern men are too weak. I think he's been spending too much time on the manosphere...
by Suavular January 10, 2022
A term coined by radical feminists to describe the group of men on the Internet who aren't self-hating and don't believe that being feminine is the ultimatum of all problems that men face in today's society, as part of their smear campaign of the men's rights movement.
"Ugh, I just searched through pages of this user's posting history because he disagreed with a single comment I made, and it turns out he has made two posts in a men's rights forum. He bust be part of the manosphere."
by Internet Resident August 10, 2021
Manosphere: (n): A collective network of sites on the internet that is often very mysoginistic in nature. It is a place were young and old men with no lives gather together to whine about how horrible women are because one too many sluts hurt them at one point in their lives, and how they have been vicimized by a gynocentric society. The comments on many forums refer to women being nothing more than being good for sex, and household duties. They believe a mans value means nothing if a woman makes more money, and feel that if a woman has a career and economic freedom, it atomatically makes her like a man and turns her into a slut. The butthurt in these comments is very prevelant as they express their contempt and resentment for the other half of the human race.(antonym) (opposite end of spectrum) Gynosphere: places on the net, like, and other feminist sites that don't always express contempt for men but are the same no lifers and illogical whiners as those in the manosphere that also like to show what victims they are and that the "patriarchy" keeps them down.
"Hey did you hear about that blog? It talks about women like they are trash and all bad. man those guys must have mommy issues and no lives. It's obvious they are part of the manosphere".
by ninjashadowecat June 7, 2014
A network or group of blogs and related websites that are run by and for men, offering primarily with misogynistic topics and content.
"I read the Ten Real Reasons Men Are Paid More Than Women on one of those douchebag manosphere blogs."
by fb1970 April 6, 2014
The melanated Manosphere is an online community that consists of podcasts, online forums, and videos of men sharing their misogynoir, disdain, and utter hatred, so they bash women they can't attain to make up for their losses, and in turn, they attack melanated women and girls unprovoked, targeting them by saying brown women and girls are aggressive, masculine, and unruly, which removes the responsibility of supporting us from everyone who isn't us. There are many issues with the Melanin manosphere; a primary feature is the inclusion of eurocentric supremacist and misogynistic views because of their own social exclusion from eurocentric digital spaces, with the goal of ensuring everyone who watches their podcasts that melanated women are undesirable and a ‘hassle’ to interact with.
Melanated women are the most disrespected and unprotected women in America, and yet they're at the forefront of every historical movement regarding melanated men's unjust murders by the hands of corrupt policemen, marching at every rally in defense of melanated men and making sure they get justice, but when it's time to give the same attention to the melanated women, we get the justifications of our own murders by the men in our communities; they don't respect us, they never protect us, and because of that, laws will have to be passed in order to protect us.
Melanated women are the most disrespected and unprotected women in America, and yet they're at the forefront of every historical movement regarding melanated men's unjust murders by the hands of corrupt policemen, marching at every rally in defense of melanated men and making sure they get justice, but when it's time to give the same attention to the melanated women, we get the justifications of our own murders by the men in our communities; they don't respect us, they never protect us, and because of that, laws will have to be passed in order to protect us.
Melanated manosphere continue to spew problematic rhetoric that others perceive to be true based on the spaces they occupy and contribute to as a collective, as well as the growing crisis of melanated femicide, which requires immediate attention. If we are to dismantle these systems of oppression and prevent the radicalization of melanated boys and men, we have to allow melanated women and girls to thrive and prosper.
by Desert flower September 18, 2023
Identified in late 2024 by liberal journalists, the manosphere is a newly discovered artificial layer of the atmosphere created by all the hot takes of popular podcasters like Joe Rogan and Theo Von. Acting as an upper level inversion, by trapping all the energetic grunts, panting, and farts of the 18-45 male demographic, 98% of scientists agree that the manosphere is now the primary cause of accelerating climate change.
The manosphere is a threat to democracy.
Mainstream media is struggling to remain popular with more and more young men getting their news solely from the manosphere.
Mainstream media is struggling to remain popular with more and more young men getting their news solely from the manosphere.
by WillyGriff December 4, 2024