Vagina in Russian. A word that you can write on the blackboard at your school, without your teachers knowing that you wrote vagina on their board. Just tell them it's your favorite breed of cat.
by Ari June 14, 2006
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tall tan person. often freindly with gingers.
'One time when I saw a manda she gave me 10 seconds of uninterupted eye contact. I liked it.'
by gubbagubba123 September 21, 2009
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A combination of a man and a panda. A man by day, and a panda by night. Usually the husband of some chick named Alison. They have been known to cook meals for their wives only wearing an apron.
John: My tail is hard.
Alison: Um, tail?
John: Yes, my tail.
Alison: What the hell...
John: Well, I am a manda.
Alison: I thought you're name was John.
John: Not Amanda, a - manda.
Alison: Be my panda bitch?
John: Certainly.
by pandamonium July 18, 2007
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a mix between a monkey and a panda
this is my manda named amanda
i know its a manda but whats its name
its name is amanda
by fig12345 January 9, 2008
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Manda is a term used to describe a type of person.

These people are usually dim young white girls who believe that having a kid at the age of 14-17 is a career choice as the goverment will pay for the upkeep for the rest of their damn lives.
(jim)That girl at the back of the bus is a right Manda...
(andre)which one?
(jim)the one with 6 the kids
(andre) HaHa...Oi Manda crash us a fag!
by Jim Wells August 14, 2006
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A fat whore...usually one who smells very unfair and whos stench could knock down the mightiest of redwoods.
I can smell a manda coming down the road....*BOOM BOOM BOOM CRASH*....YOU HEAR THAT!?!?!
by smileyoufuckers February 10, 2006
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To piss oneself in public -- usually, but not always, as a result of too much drinking at one's defence party.
Person 1: "Hey, did you see Jane pull a Manda last night?"
Person 2: "Seriously?! She pissed herself at her defence party?!"
Person 1: "Yeah! I guess incontinence really is a symptom of too much grad school."
Person 2: "That and being a total derp."
Person 1: "Oh yeah, Jane is a total derposaurus, just like Manderp."
Person 2: "lololol, Manda is a total derpinatrix."
by lagerr January 28, 2017
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