The acronym for "Milk them Nipples".
Man, I'm gonna MTN my brother tonight.
by krazykushluk May 17, 2005
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Want more?

Nah I got MTN
by Lady CB December 15, 2009
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Mad Town Nortenos(MTN)-A respected Norteno gang located in Madison,CA
MTN-Mad TowN NorteNos
by yaya-allday February 26, 2009
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mtn dew

The crap new name of mountain dew. Everything about the old logo is better.
"Why the fuck did they change the name to mtn dew?"

by baseracer January 26, 2009
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Mtn dew

Mtn dew is amazing in every way
Mtn dew is good Cuz I said so
by Gdude0723 May 20, 2016
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mtn dew

Mountain Dew's shitty way of 'revolutionizing' what they call a drink.
Yo... Marty go get the m-t-... wait I mean mtn dew, oh shit I MEAN THE MOUNTAIN DEW.
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Mtn Dew

Why do you drink Mtn Dew?
by EFJ November 5, 2020
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