A large gathering of young, schizophrenia-prone men who embark on pixelated dungeons and are all compensating in-game for the loser they are out of the game.
Hey man, want to have sex with a girl?

No man, I've been playing MMOs.
by Bop69 December 9, 2022
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Abbreviation for Males Masturbating Online. MMO is an organization of homosexual males that meet online to masturbate together.
Homo 1: "Dude don't forget about the MMO meeting on Skype today."
Homo 2: "Don't worry I won't forget."
Homo 1: "It'll be the gayest meeting yet."
by Philsteve June 22, 2014
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It’s a gang in new York which stands for money moves only
Big mmo

MMO k U jacking mmo
by Bat to boy May 9, 2019
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A great,and one of the fastest growing youtubers.his name comes from his early day when he played popular mmos.but then people started requesting minecraft,and kept requesting it.during his fastest growing period he went from 750 K to 2 million subs, I think in two months.is married to his wife(duh) Jen, who he often plays with.the actual channel is popularMMOS
Yo, did you see popular mmos ' latest vid?
by PlatinumBeast August 15, 2016
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A person who is constantly jumping ship to one mmo product to the latest mmo product simply because it's new. They usually never play anything that's been out longer then a year.
Guy 1: "Hey dude, you play any mmos?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, I do"
Guy 1: "What's you play?"
Guy 2: "the most recently released ones, since I'm a mmo junkie and all"
Guy 1: "so you don't play old mmos?"
Guy 2: "nah their graphics and combat are too dated for my taste"

Guy 1: "what's old to you?"

Guy 2: "anything that's been released for about a year"
by grass_head July 19, 2020
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The girl you commonly hang out with while in-game of your favorite massively multi-player online role-playing game. Her irl boyfriend plays an MMORPG, but she doesn't like the one he plays, so she happens to play the one you like. This results in you and your MMO Girlfriend spending more time with each other than with your irl relationships. You are either single irl, or your irl girlfriend/wife does not play MMOG's, in which case you will soon be single irl. You are not allowed by your MMO Girlfriend to complete quests or advance level without her, so you will likely create at least one other alternate toon to play while she is offline.
To your friends in Vent, this relationship is especially comical if you chose to make your in-game character a female, and your MMO Girlfriend chose to make her toon a male. This is actually a very common occurrence, due to the male player's desire to create an attractive toon to stare at, and the female player's desire to remain largely unidentifiable as a female irl.
by Mixel Cores March 3, 2011
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