5 definitions by PlatinumBeast

Something the buzzfeed YouTube channel doesn't know the definition of. Also commonly overexaggerated by third-wave feminists.they say things like "oh,you don't need 24 inches between your knees!no.we don't.we need only around 3-5 .usually that's to the very edge of OUR SEAT.as in,it doesn't go ON YOURS.like the borders of the seat are a box,the legs usually don't go out of that box.
(In video) Look!there are only 5 or so people on this subway train and he is lying down!that only leaves around 5-7 seats for the rest of us! Manspreading misogynistic shit!
by PlatinumBeast April 2, 2017
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A great,and one of the fastest growing youtubers.his name comes from his early day when he played popular mmos.but then people started requesting minecraft,and kept requesting it.during his fastest growing period he went from 750 K to 2 million subs, I think in two months.is married to his wife(duh) Jen, who he often plays with.the actual channel is popularMMOS
Yo, did you see popular mmos ' latest vid?
by PlatinumBeast August 15, 2016
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Donald Trump should leave his brain to science.after all, the scientists are the ones with the microscopes it'd take to find it.
by PlatinumBeast August 9, 2016
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A cherry tree in Japanese,or in naruto,the stupidest bitch in anime history.abusive,reckless,useless,you name it.i admit she is stronger than the average shinobi, but if I were in the naruto universe, I would rather have a average shinobi, because they tend to have something Sakura lacks.a fucking brain.dont beleive me?she once DRUGGED members of her team, to kill a ninja she loved too much to kill,even though HE wouldn't hesitate to kill her, as well as being one of the worlds strongest shinobi
by PlatinumBeast August 8, 2016
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If you don't know who Percy Jackson is, sit the hell down, and read both of the series,after you're done,you'll join me on the fact that Percy Jackson is the epitome of fictional character badassery
Well well well Percy Jackson...you think you could prevent me from awakening?
by PlatinumBeast August 15, 2016
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