Somthing that is swag are dank usally people make videos on YouTube that include flashing lights that could give elepse and contains many wierd characters like sanic a parody of sonic and theese MLG videos contain random things like memes doritos muantain dew dubstep music rap music weed and gangster hats
Gabe Newell is a real person but is also used in MLG YouTube videos as a joke
by DerpMcNuggetsOrSwagDankAndMlg November 29, 2015
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Men Lacking Girlfriends, aka "pro" gamers
Lgerrious: "Damn, bill went 69-0 in team deathmatch."
Dshean: "He's mlg dont worry"
L+D: "dude you're a senior in college..."
by br0wnman November 11, 2010
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5 year olds thinking they are cool by drinking Mtn Dew and doritos and screaming "faggot 1v1 me succa go kys" and playing games way over their age limit like halo and overwatch.

If you end up in the same room with them, The following example will occur:
"mlg" kiddo: omg hacker go kys i hate you
Me: Seriously...
"mlg" kiddo: yeah im mlg and i will kill you in 4 1v1 match with my doritos and mtn dew moicjoiejoijeoiwjdoijdiow
Me: *Leaves room*
by BiscuitIsSmol Words4U August 5, 2017
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Mega Lol G-streng (g-string)
*wow, look at that mlg =0
¤ yeah=) what a Mega Lol G-string.
by Mikipedial May 17, 2008
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A bunch of 3rd to 5th header who think they are saying something to sound cool but will die out by the middle of 6th grade
Heyo, I’m so mlg swag.
by jchamp7 June 14, 2018
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A dead form of meme associated with weed air horns most commonly made to be as autistic as possible.also it stands for
major leuge gaming.
Ayy boi u see that new cod game its so mlg
by Lesll August 29, 2018
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