An old English word meaning a corpse. It can also be spelled lych or lich it derives from the Medieval English “lic” meaning a dead body and is used in the traditional song Lyke Wake Dirge.
by AKACroatalin July 13, 2015
by Skellyhell September 15, 2005
by shh July 3, 2004
An alternative spelling to the word like, usually used on the Internet, especially myspace, IM, etc. The word is usually accompanied by other words that have been "shortened", such as ur, omg, and wtf. Sometimes it seems like the person who types this way is trying to decode a message, because it is nearly impossible to read to people who actually care about proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Apparently, the people who type this way are either lazy because they don't want to type out the entire word, or are trying to be scene or something like that.
Apparently, the people who type this way are either lazy because they don't want to type out the entire word, or are trying to be scene or something like that.
by thisby July 3, 2006
"Lyke", an ancient British word for "corpse", is related to the German leich and is the root from which came "lych", as in the Lych Gate of a church, which often had seats and a bench so both the coffin and the coffin bearers could rest before going into the burial ground or the church itself.
The Lyke Wake Walk is a forty-mile challenge walk, to be completed in under 24 hours and is situated on England's high North York Moors.
by lisa_simpsonlyke August 2, 2006
Derives from a dumbass names Stephanie Davey. She thinks she is cool because she spells "like" with a "y" but she is really an idiot.
by I Hate Her! June 30, 2004
by I'ma fuck yo' May 3, 2006