by asdf December 31, 2005
by bob April 11, 2005
Me: Hey bro can you pass me a lorange? I spilled some water on the table!
Friend: sure thing! Glad you bought extra loranges the last time we went to the store!
Friend: sure thing! Glad you bought extra loranges the last time we went to the store!
by LargeOmelette May 18, 2020
Lorang er en staut kar uten pikk. Loranger eier ikke selvironi og skryter alltid av sin lille dreper. Du finner han i mosen.
by Wordsexio May 20, 2016
1) To suck completely
2) To be the worst at the most categories as compared to others. i.e. being the ugliest, stupidest, and smelling the worst all at the same time. Only one thing can be lorange in any given situation, as there is no lesser degree of lorange. Lorange is the absolute worst.
3) The complete opposite of steez.
2) To be the worst at the most categories as compared to others. i.e. being the ugliest, stupidest, and smelling the worst all at the same time. Only one thing can be lorange in any given situation, as there is no lesser degree of lorange. Lorange is the absolute worst.
3) The complete opposite of steez.
"Look at that guy over there, trying to pick up those girls. He's way too ugly and dressed way too poorly to get her", Jim casually said to John. "Yea," replied John, "that guy's so lorange."
by T-Platinum August 5, 2005
The absolute worst in any catagory, of any person, place or thing at any given time.
The opposite of steez
The opposite of steez
You lose your job, your girlfriend dumps you, you get food poisoning, lose your liscense, snap your deck, your speakers blow out, you run out of toothpaste, you stub your toe, and its too hot, you're lorange.
by richarddubs August 6, 2005
a man's penis with pubic hair that extends all the way to the head of the penis. (if circumsized) or all the way to the tip. (not circumsized)
by Spreenug October 17, 2005