Look at this shit

When one runs into or sees a familiar face, they respond with gratitude and a welcoming demeanor. Often used when acquaintances have not seen each other for a long span of time.
(Walking out of the store and spots Dan) Mike: Look at this shit!
(While squinting) Dan: Is that you, Mike?! Long time no see!
by msreynolds12 January 4, 2011
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Look Before You Shit

The act to checking for sufficient toilet paper before sitting down to take a shit. This will help you to avoid having to yell for somebody outside the bathroom to get you a new roll.
Boyfriend: Um, honey, can you get me some toilet paper?
Girlfriend: Sucks for you, look before you shit!
by Dapts March 13, 2011
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Dirty Looking Squid Shit

Something so ulgy or something so fucked up its complete and utter squid shit.
by SJDFOX March 19, 2015
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u look shit

often said about goons or junkook
goons u look shit
by clab420 February 23, 2024
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THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF ME! Where as people are going out of their way to make it look like I'm shit for free....
Hym "Elon is a retarded fraud who pays people to make it look like he isn't shit and is rumored to have manufactured his 1# on the Diablo leaderboard (By paying someone to play for him) and got exposed while playing Path Of Exile 2."
by Hym Iam January 10, 2025
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Descripe Patrick Stjerne: idiot who looks like shit :)
by FuckPS January 9, 2018
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