A Lewin is generally top of the dojo boss level material. Ignore the hateful descriptions it's truly a blessing to be named Lewin, sadly not being a Lewin inspires jealousy in the normies and name calling is to be expected and even welcomed, as they can never hope to reach the true power of a natural born Lewin and it siphons the pressure and cuts the tension. Relish in your title homies.
by Slewzini July 4, 2019
1. a word meaning someone with a large forehead
2. someone who is just plain weird
3. The Cult of Lewin is an organisation which promotes the preachings of Lewin
1. a word meaning someone with a large forehead
2. someone who is just plain weird
3. The Cult of Lewin is an organisation which promotes the preachings of Lewin
by Johnson606 March 10, 2010
by DP king August 8, 2014
by Candice5 June 16, 2020
by DP king August 8, 2014
He is the best teacher you will ever meet and you will probably cry if he leaves in class he will let you do what ever you want I miss Him so much and wish he could come back
by floferplop January 7, 2022
A boy who some may call special for obvious reasons. You can hear his stupid fucking noises from fatfield. So annoying you want to shove ur first down his throat but he’d provablys enjoy that too much
by Ihatebenlewins November 20, 2017